Wednesday, December 24, 2008

Kip woke up again.

The hospital was dark. Someone coughed around the corner.

He stood up. His clothes were on the table beside the bed. A doctor had come by earlier, and said he was fine, the wound should heal up, press on it if it starts bleeding, take it easy, take it easy, take it easy.

"Take it easy," she'd said.

He pulled on his pants, shirt, shoes. Heard the someone cough again.

Started walking towards the exit, felt dizzy, leaned against the wall. Fell through the wall. Kept falling.

It felt like an eternity before he hit the ground. Kip often felt that he'd never stopped falling, that it was all a dream, nothing was real but the fall.

"Take it easy," she'd said.

His head hit the ground with an exceedingly dull thud.

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